Did you know that there are hundreds of special offers and gifts that you can get on your birthday? Completely for free!

Whether your birthday is coming up, or recently passed, keep this list handy on your special day so you can make the most of your special gifts and free offers on your birthday.

Important Notes:

  • Most of these offers require that you sign up for email offers in advance, prior to your birthday. The good news is, you typically have to sign up just once, and you will continue to receive birthday offers each and every year.
  • Many places also give you a free gift when you sign up for emails so you can get extra the goodies and free treats!
  • Pro tip: Create a new email address to use when signing up so your primary inbox does not get overwhelmed with offers and coupons.

Free gifts on your birthday

Note: Offers and gifts are subject to change at anytime. This post may include affiliate links. Read the full disclosure here. 

Free Food Gifts on your Birthday

Free Gifts or Coupons for Shopping on Your Birthday


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