Congratulations on your second anniversary! Over the past two years you have created many firsts together and now it’s time to celebrate all that you have become together since you tied the knot. 

How should you celebrate your special second anniversary? Traditionally, you give a gift of cotton on your second anniversary. Over the years, the more modern gift idea for a first anniversary is a china. Whether cotton or china, picking out that perfect gift can sometimes feel incredibly challenging. 

Traditional Second Anniversary Gift: Cotton

Modern Second Anniversary Gift: China

How do you capture all the love that you have created together and give your love the most perfect gift? We’ve got your back.

Check out the best second anniversary gift ideas for your husband or wife.

Related: Want to pair the perfect date with your special anniversary? Explore endless date night ideas.

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Second Anniversary Gift Ideas

Looking for the perfect gift for your second anniversary? Check out this list of the perfect gifts for your husband or wife to celebrate your second anniversary. Whether its cotton (traditional) or china (modern), you'll be sure to find the perfect gift to show how much you love them. |anniversary gifts | second wedding anniversary | cotton anniversary

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