If you’ve ever participated in a white elephant gift exchange, you know there is always THAT gift. You know, the one that gets passed around with a groan because no one wants it. The one everyone hopes to avoid. 

And while you feel sorry for the person who ends up with that gift, you almost feel worse for the one who purchased it in the first place. They have to see the disappointment and hear the groans from others hoping to not get stuck with it. 

This holiday season, don’t be that person. Here are 30 White Elephant gift ideas that don’t suck. Pick something from this list, and you will be golden. 

What’s the difference between a White Elephant, a Yankee Swap, and a Dirty Santa? If you go back to the roots, White Elephant and Dirty Santa gift exchanges call for silly, impractical gifts, whereas a Yankee Swap calls for more useful gifts. However, over the years many refer to the three interchangeably, with some being more common by region. 

Before you participate, do yourself a favor and ask your host if the gifts are intended to be silly and impractical or more useful so you are in line with expectations.

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Don't be that person at your next White Elephant or Yankee Swap. Show up with a gift that everyone loves with these 30 white elephant gift exchange ideas! Perfect for coworkers, family, friends, and more this Christmas and holiday season.

30 Useful White Elephant Gift Ideas

These White Elephant gift ideas will for sure be a hit! They are useful, and will be loved by all!

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Don't be that person at your next White Elephant or Yankee Swap. Show up with a gift that everyone loves with these 30 white elephant gift exchange ideas! Perfect for coworkers, family, friends, and more this Christmas and holiday season.

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